Cohort supports Chelsea’s Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)
‘Carols from Chelsea’ sold out very quickly this year and Royal Hospital Chelsea’s very special Wren Chapel was filled with elegant visitors. Committee member (and our Creative Director) Frances Martin-Isaacs was joined by Cohort’s creatives, clients, family and special guests from Silicon Valley. This year, our philanthropic guests were treated to Laurent Perrier Heritage and canapés by The Admirable Chriton immediately after the emotional service.
This year's magical fundraising event featured BBC Young Chorister of the Year Naomi Simon who touched the hearts of all who attended.
Lucky envelopes were sold at the Champagne reception, and a hugely successful silent auction followed, with guests bidding for villas in Tuscany, Puglia, Cornwall, Tulum and St-Tropez to name but a few. Money-can’t-buy experiences are also always in high demand, rare artwork included a self portrait by Johnny Depp and Sephora donated a coveted influencer goody bag worth thousands of pounds. Ideal Christmas shopping.
Cohort’s voluntary work with the ICR helps to raise awareness of and sponsorship for this incredible efficient and effective charity which over the years has developed ground-breaking cancer research and treatment.
More about the ICR.
The Institute of Cancer Research was founded in 1909. For over one hundred years, the ICR has been a world-leader in research into cancer causes, treatments and prevention. Renowned for making pioneering discoveries that have benefitted the course of cancer treatments worldwide, the ICR works closely with The Royal Marsden, specialist cancer hospital in Chelsea.
Celebrity readers took to the pulpit in the Wren Chapel at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, (from left to right) Sally Clarke, Andrew Castle, Anthony Horowitz, Marjorie Coles and Adam Kay. Credit: Adam Duke Photography.
Sponsors and contributors.
The generosity of our network is fundamental to the success of this fundraising event, with special thanks to Pirajean Lees, Boodles, Fortis Vision, Edmiston, Champagne Laurent-Perrier, Thomas’s London Day Schools, Chelsea Harbour Club, Sephora.
“You are the absolute best! Thank you for your untiring support.”
Naomi Leveson-Gower, Carols Committee Chair